Healthy Town!

I’m back at my healthy (keeping myself accountable) posts! I started Weight Watchers again today.  I kinda slacked a little before and after the wedding and have gained four pounds of those I have lost.  It isn’t a lot, but boy it’s really easy to put weight on and so much harder to take it off.  Weight Watchers helped me lose fifteen pounds and I am almost positive that once I get momentum going I’ll be able to lose another fifteen and maintain that weight loss.  I’m not trying to get supermodel unhealthy skinny.  I think 160lbs on a 5’7″ frame is perfectly healthy and normal! My doctor thinks so too.  I think I’ll be a size 6 at that weight, but maybe more of an 8.  It’ll put me in the correct BMI tier (even though I think BMI is stupid.) It’ll make her happy and I’ll probably feel a lot better.  I’ll have more energy for long hikes, walking up stairs without heavy breathing, swimming, cycling, etc.  Fall is probably not the best time to start this again, but I think it’ll help me get through the pumpkin madness and the Christmas madness.  🙂
Gina’s Skinny Taste blog of Weight Watcher friendly recipes has been a savior to me and I am so excited to start making more meals from her site.  The Weight Watchers website has a lot of recipe ideas, but Gina’s are so much better! They’re flavorful, fun to make and everyone in my house has loved everything I’ve made.  She even has skinny pumpkin flavored recipes.  UM, OKAY! If you know me at all, you know how obsessed I am with pumpkin and making everything pumpkin from the first day of fall until the end of Christmastime.  Pumpkin is just so delicious.  Savory or sweet! Look at all of these amazing pumpkin recipes! Even if you’re into WW, you should try a few of these out and see how you like it.

On a completely unrelated note (that’s how my brain works), the Fall Issue of my favorite online magazine came out today!! Take a look! The Violet is amazing and I think you’ll really love it!
