Day 2!

Hello there,

I’m on day 2 and so far I feel the same as I did before I started.  That’s okay because it’s only been 2 days!

I made this for lunch yesterday:

and this for dinner:
Meatza Pie from the Well Fed cookbook. It is so delicious I’m making it for lunch today!

This morning I was running a little late to drop my car off for it’s service appointment, so I grabbed two hard boiled eggs and some Yogi Green Tea for breakfast.  Not the best, but it will do.  As I mentioned above, I’m making Meatza Pie for lunch.  The oven is on and I’m ready to eat!

I’m still really excited and I feel great, so I don’t think I’ll have any problem keeping it up.  I even passed on sushi last night with my sister!  I probably would’ve been sad watching my family eat delicious rolls while I had sashimi. Yes, sashimi is delicious, but to be surround by glorious rice would’ve been too much for me on day 1.

Thanks for reading my first two days on Whole30.  I’m sure there will be more exciting things to come!

Here’s my favorite Kanye West Heartless Cover:

Whole30 Day 1!

I know it’s only 9:45am, but I’m already really excited about Whole30.  I went grocery shopping yesterday and got SO many goodies.  The only bad things I bought were hummus and pita chips for my last meal.  But I loaded up on veggies to go along with it!

For my very first Whole30 meal, I had 2 hard boiled eggs, some smoked salmon, snap peas and cucumber – salt & lemon peppered.  I had my delicious Yogi Green Tea and a glass of water with it.  My snack a few minutes ago was a really yummy organic plum from the farmers market.  I’m going to make tuna salad in a cucumber boat for lunch today.  Oh so yummy.  I’m really excited to keep this up!

And here is one of my favorite Sufjan Stevens videos.  Happy August, everyone.


Summer is here! Well, it was. Yesterday was a balmy 50 degrees and rained all day.  I read on that this is the most rain San Francisco has seen in June since the 60s and the coolest California has been since the 50s.  Although, there was a nice warm up recently and it’s supposed to warm up tomorrow through The Fourth of July.  I can’t wait!  I’m dying for a summer tan (with sunscreen of course!) and to feel the heat on my face, sand in my toes, and cold ocean water. Plus James and I are going house shopping this weekend in the woods.  Very exciting.  Also a good ole’ BBQ and sparklers on Monday will do the trick to make it feel like it’s REALLY summer.

Here are some photos of my summer so far.

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and a song that’s stuck in my head!


to do this summer:

  1. road trip to Oregon (we’re going to stop at crater lake and pendleton!) to see my brother, his wife and my new niece, Aubree (she’s due next month!). Hopefully we’ll get to see my sister Jen, her husband Ben and my niece Carly. and my mom!
  2. road trip to Orange County, CA for Leah’s baby shower.  We’re going to stop at Andrew Murray in Santa Barbara on the way home for a wine club member picnic. mmm.
  3. buy a bicycle! (Well, this is for James to remember since he said he’d buy me a new bicycle EEP!) I have plans to ride my bike to work two times a week and possibly a bike ride AFTER work with a coworker once a week since it’s SUMMER! happy weather.
  4. move to san francisco. yep. it’s happening! well, as soon as James buys a piece of property. it’s happening. for realsies. i finally get to move into the city! fog, sweaters, more scarves and longing for the sunshine will soon be a part of my reality. i couldn’t be more excited.  plus i finally get to live with the love of my life. 3 years living separately has been far too long for me.
  5. CAMPING! oh my gosh. i’m so excited for camping. We have two dates on the calendar and I couldn’t be more excited to camp. Warm weather, fires, tents, hiking, swimming.  It’s one of my favorite summer activities and we’re working on where we’re going. I’m obviously partial to Yosemite Creek, so maybe we’ll go there.  Maybe another trip to Lassen. 🙂
i think that’s enough for the summer of 2011. lots of goals, lots of trips, lots of fantastic and loving people. oh, and food. lots of food.
oh, and i signed up for AIDS Lifecycle 11! I’ll be riding my *new* bicycle from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 7 days (that’s 575 miles!) to raise funds and awareness for AIDS. (SF AIDS Foundation) So pumped.


Heather Combs with guest vocals from William Fitzsimmons.  I was in the audience for this house concert and you could feel the sadness from Heather.  Man, don’t you just love it when you can feel someone else’s emotions through song? I do 🙂

I fell in love with William Fitzsimmons at the house concert above.  It was the first time I saw him.  His whisper-sing gave me goosebumps.  This song is a cover of one of my favorite Sufjan Stevens songs. ah.

I get a lot of crap from my boyfriend for loving this kind of music.  “Oh, is this another melancholy song? Can we not listen to that?” He’s a Rolling Stones kind of guy, and I don’t blame him for not wanting to listen to my sad music.  He doesn’t get as wrapped up in others emotions as I do.  I kind of love that quality in him, because I get so overwhelmed sometimes with emotions (most of the time that aren’t mine!) that it overtakes my whole self and I can’t concentrate on other things.  And he just moves on.  He’s a dude; he’s built that way.  I definitely am not.

On a positive note, I’m going to Monterey this weekend so the boyfriend can take his two scuba certification tests.  They’re from 8-3 Sunday and Monday.  Not sure what I’m going to do while he’s so busy, but so far I’ve got a pretty good idea.  Manicure, movie, read my books, go to the aquarium and nap.  That sounds good, no?

Puerto Rico, Pennsylvania, New Zealand and India

have been horrible about posting in the past 5 months. woops.

Here goes! I’ve traveled quite a bit and thought you might want to see some photos:

The above were in Puerto Rico – Palomino Island and the Coqui Rain Forest

yeah that’s cold. West Chester, PA

Me dressed up at a party.  I was really sick the entire time I was there for work, and this is the only picture I really like from my trip. Meh. This post is out of order because I went to NZ first.  Right before the earthquakes. Scary!


Ah, New Zealand ❤

and now, a video: